Report and remove your data.

In order to ensure the integrity of and to earn the trust of parents, students, and educators this section is very critical. absolutely encourages every concerned citizen of our global community, the stakeholders, educators, and students to feel empowered and provide the information about any childcare center, school, or educational institution that they feel or are associated with. You can keep your identity anonymous for the world but not your relationship. Also, in the age of so many translators (Such as Google Translate) please do not feel restricted by language boundaries. As long as its relevant and meaningful just share your thoughts.

Now, at the same time, if anywhere on you think there is anything written that does not truly represent you or your school or your educational institution will make every effort and as soon as possible to correct it. is not here to trouble anyone or to impact any one’s reputation negatively. is your partner in the process of making our education system more transparent and collaborative. Please provide the information below and we will respond to you within 48 hours.

Also, even if it’s not related to you, if you see something that is not appropriate for the intended audience (Parents, students (all age group) and educators) please flag it and report to as soon as possible. The website is based upon user generated contents but it does not provide any relaxation towards anything that’s not appropriate or is incorrect. Thank you in advance for your share in our mission.

Email Address:-

1. Your Name-

2. Your Email address ––

3. What is the issue (250 words – Please be objective) –

4. Please attach the screenshot (or the navigation to the objectionable content) via email if needed–

5. Your relationship with the entity (Childcare/ School/ Educational Institution) -

If you want to report and remove your data click here..