Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
This School was established in 1976 and is under the administrative control of 54 ASP Air Force Station Gurgaon. It is affiliated to CBSE, New Delhi. The Station Commander of 54 ASP is the Chairman of the School. The School functions under the aegis of Air Force Educational and Cultural Society and follows the guidelines of the Education Code issued by Air HQ, New Delhi.
The School primarily caters to the needs of the children of Air Force personnel, other Defence Service personnel and Defence Civilians. The School has been awarded the ‘Best School Trophy’ by Maintenance Command on several occasions.
The School lays considerable stress on holistic development of every child. Here the objective of education is not confined to dissemination of academic knowledge, but to help the students to develop their vision, thinking and creative ability inline with Government of India’s HRD Ministry’s New Education Policy [NEP 2020]. The school also works with students towards Education on Sustainable Development (ESD), to educate them on environment conservation and green energy.
We try our best to mould and nurture the young minds so that the discovery of knowledge becomes a joyful experience for them. The activity based curriculum for classes Nursery to XI, is framed to inculcate and instill educational, spiritual, moral and ethical values in the children. The School also has two lush green playgrounds with facilities for Basketball, Football, Volleyball, Badminton, athletics and has two ‘Play Areas’ for small children.
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