Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Every child is a free spirit. Different from the other. Creating a world of his own and a bright future for himself. At Annie Besant School in a free & friendly atmosphere their tender abilities get a firm foundation of learning, accommodating and achieving. Shaping their future, we work towards not only their education but towards making them thinking Individuals.
Annie Besant School was established in Indore in the year 2000, under the aegis of Narayan Das Yadav Shiksha Prasar Samiti. The team who had given birth to this thought, are well experienced in the field of Education for past 40 years. Annie Besant School is modern Co-Educational English medium school affiliated with CBSE with 10+2 pattern. Besides the conventional approach, our students get practical training also.
This renders in them the competence to meet the challenges of the modern world. Our meticulously prepared systems of training sharpens our students intellectual capabilities & develops in them an astute sense of analytical understanding so that they emerges as achievers on the global front Imparting better education is our penchant. Economical fee structure is our philosophy. Without overlooking the provision of latest infrastructural facilities pertaining to academic, creative & physical development of every child, we give them the best for the money invested by parents on their children’s future.
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