Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
We believe in the dignity and growth of each student and recognize the importance of his responsibilities to his fellow men in the world community.
We believe that children form the true wealth of any nation and that they will carry the future squarely on their shoulders.
We believe that all the youth should get an equal opportunity for education, consistent with their individual capabilities and their personal and social needs.
We believe that change is a constant factor in life. Education, therefore, while fostering in students the development of a strong value base, should encourage a thinking process which will facilitate intelligent adaptability in an evolving and changing society.
We believe that education should foster independent thinking, exploration and experimentation as a life long process. With these aims constantly in mind it is our endeavour to develop in each student the following:
a) A mastery of the skill of communication and learning.
b) The ability to think clearly, logically and independently.
c) An understanding and appreciation of cultural, scientific, economic and political ideas and practices.
d) Good health and physical fitness enabling the student to live an energetic, wholesome and productive life.
e) An appreciation of ethical and social values.
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