Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Enabling education is the cornerstone of a progressive society. Quality school education holds paramount importance in preparing a character-driven, value-based, self-confident and achieving young generation. While the demand forces are overwhelming, distinctively satisfying educational institutions, particularly at school level, are few and far between.
Dhoom Singh Memorial Public School was started in July 2004 under the aegis of Dhoom Singh Memorial Educational Society, by Shri KPS Chauhan. The school is perceived as a response to The Foundation’s commitment to social endeavour and is conceived & programmed to be the school with a difference.
Dhoom Singh Memorial Public school has set its objective to create a caring and conducive environment where skills and attitudes for life-long learning are nurtured, thus sowing seeds for a self-confident, secure, positive minded, compassionate and progressive human being. The essential focus is on development of the child in all aspects: intellectual, emotional, social and spiritual so that she/he conducts herself/ himself ethically and lawfully, leading a fulfilling life.
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