Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Don Bosco school, Carmel Nagar, Guandala began its starting keeping in mind the aim to enhance individual and good of the society. The School came to existence on 1st of April 2019. The prime motive of the school is to promote the integral development and rights of the person. It is to provide a personalized education to every pupils, so that they can become autonomous, responsible and capable of choosing freely, in conformity with their conscience. We, the educational institution of Don Bosco school in Vijayawada strive to offer integral formation to the young vis-a vis academics, cultural, god-experience, personal and social development and help them make the right choices in life.
Education has preparatory value and enables individuals to earn their livelihood or to make both ends meet in order to live happily and successfully. Education should aim at imparting knowledge, skill and information to the people in order to make them self-reliant not to be a dag or a parasite on others. Education is always to enhance one’s personal development and as for the good of society.
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