Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
ow to find what the student is looking for. Students need support when learning a new skill. Teacher must act as a support person as a coach, leader, and a counsellor. Students look up to teacher's behaviour and work ethic. An experienced teacher can be a mentor to a young teacher. Anyone in a teaching profession knows that there is always something new to learn. A teacher will be challenged everyday with new task. They are the people with educational leadership skills and they must continue to grow and develop for better contribution to the society. Teachers have far reaching influence on the society as students are deeply affected by teacher's love and affection, character, competence and moral commitment. Teachers are dedicated professionals who have a lasting impact on students. Each day teacher will exercise his creativity, patience and communication skills to educate the students. A teacher is a resource provider, instructional specialist, teaching facilitator, school leader, act as a catalyst for improvement for academics of students. The Principal, as a leader of the school, has to take responsibilities for the school's success by taking lead to ensure high quality of teaching and learning by hiring, developing and retaining excellent and experienced teachers. The principal builds a strong school community for the success of the school as administration, teachers, parents, students, and support staff work as a team.
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