Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
We believe that we are all God’s children. We therefore respect everyone, regardless of what they profess, how they worship, dress, eat or live, what language they speak, which region they come from, because they are all God’s children, and part of our human family.
Our belief, enshrined in our Institutional logo, which is the primary teaching of Jesus Christ ‘ Love your Neighbour as Yourself’ will be our guiding light always. We believe in the equality of every citizen, and will not discriminate against anyone, based on community, caste, creed, ethnicity, difference of ability etc.
We believe in the Constitution of India, as our common law and pledge to safeguard its values at all times. We believe in and celebrate the rich diversity of India, and its multi cultural heritage of people, customs, traditions, forms of worship, and as result their symbols and Holy Books.
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