Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Jama-ath Residential Public School, run by the Padamugal Jama-ath Educational and Charitable Trust is now a land mark in Kochi's educational area.The school took shape in 1994 within the preview of Padamugal Jama-ath Mosque.
The school building was inagurated on 03-03-1996 by Sri K. Karunakaran then hon'ble minister for industries Govt. of India and presided by Adv. E. A. Aboobaker, then trust president. Senior secondary school extension block was opened on 11-02-2007 by hon'ble union minister for external affairs Sri. Vayalar Ravi.
New block for Commerce stream was opened on 6-02-2010 by Hon'ble M.P. Sri. E.T. Muhammed Basheer at a function presided by the then School Manager Sri. N.A. Abdulla.
Our institution aims at creating leaders” who will champion the cause of justice, equality, love, truth, peace and will incessantly work for the growth and delopment of the society and the Nation.
The school is situated only 50 Mtrs from the Padamugal Jama-ath Mosque. This enables students attend daily Namas at the mosque.
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