Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
There are currently four schools in India that integrate the KED Program with the National as well as with CAIE and IB curriculum with a total of 3,000 students (2020). Kunskapsskolan Gurgaon, the pioneering KED School in India opened in 2013 and operates all grades from pre-primary up to grade 12. In the same city, you find Kunskapsskolan International, with a sprawling infrastructure equipped with top-of-the-line sports facilities and labs to engage students in various extracurricular activities. Both schools in Gurgaon offer dual curriculum integrated with the Swedish KED Program. Kunskapsskolan has two more fully operational formal schools in Lucknow and Bengaluru offering CBSE curriculum.
We prepare students to live and work in the modern world with its challenges and myriad choices. We ‘Educate for life’ which gives students the ability to see context and patterns, understand and interpret events, make decisions and make choices. It is the driving force for continual deepening and broadening of their knowledge, skills and understanding.
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