Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
‘A true tradition of excellence, courage, determination, and fearlessness’
LT Atul Katarya was born on February 21, 1975 in Gurgaon to proud parents Smt Sumitra Katarya and Col Dhanraj Katarya. Passing out of NDA in 1995 and IMA in 1996, a third generation soldier in the family was baptised in the true traditions of the Indian Army.
Commissioned in one of the most illustrious regiments of the Indian Army, 13 Punjab (Jind) LT Atul proved his mettle from day one.
Through his military genius and his ability to gather information employing unorthodox and innovative tactics LT Atul soon became the bane of the insurgents and terrorists in the Kashmir Valley. LT Atul volunteered himself for all high-risk missions and played a pivotal role in the elimination of scores of militants and foreign mercenaries in fiercely fought encounters in Kashmir.
LT Atul always led from the front and his death defying courage and ruthless offensive spirit while engaging the enemy in close quarter battle, virtually silenced militancy in Southern Kashmir. Defying death, in the face of duty to his nation, LT Atul lived by the ethos, “Service before self”. His unswerving resolve was rewarded by the response so endearing to the local populace that they adopted him, lovingly calling him “ABDUL”.
On 14th October, 1998, on one such mission in Sangarwani area of Pulwana district, LT Atul charged into a militant hideout with his gun blazing with full fury, till a hail of enemy bullets caught him in the hour of his triumph. His patrol rushed to the scene only to find that THE TIGER OF 13 PUNJAB (JIND), ABDUL – THE DARLING OF THE LOCAL KASHMIRIS AND A GREAT SON OF INDIA LAY MARTYRED.
The school follows the philosophy which is best expressed in the five pillars which form the acronym IDEAL.
The students are taught to appreciate, value and respect all cultures, religions and languages. They learn to see themselves as global citizens and are asked to look beyond gender, class, race, nationality and culture to understand human nature.
Teaching students both the values of democracy and the importance of active participation in democracy is essential. Freedom of thought and speech is greatly encouraged and appropriate forums and channels of communication are set in place. They are trained and expected to share in the running of the school.
Students are expected to demonstrate an active interest and concern for all natural environments, to be aware of proven problems and to play a practical role in tackling environmental issues.
The school provides opportunities for student leadership in the school’s community. Leadership roles, held by senior students, in particular, are substantial and range from management of house-keeping positions to holding key leadership positions. A high level of responsibility is passed on to students individually and collectively.
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