Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
yceum International School is unique for many reasons other than its architectural style, sprawling pollution free campus with modern amenities and C.B.S.E pattern. It was established on April, 2008, has surprisingly made a tremendous progress in the field of education. Taking its brilliant academic performance and consideration, it would be no exaggeration to state that it has established itself as one of the most celebrated & prestigious educational institutions in the north Bihar. Within such a short span of time, it has achieved astounding success and abounding popularity among the intellectuals of the modern age. In this age of tough competition, its achievements are of paramount significance.
Now-a-days there is a chaos and confusion in all walks of life. Thee has been completed deterioration in the standard of teaching in academic intitutions spoiling the future of hope of the country. The educational environment has been completely spoilt resulting in disastrous consequences. Under such adverse circumstances the young kids of the present generation require proper guidance so as to reach the final destination of their lives.
In order to find out a suitable solution to the drastic problems with which our student community is badly confronted we, in collaboration with a team of well qualified, trained and highly competent teachers, has been making all possible efforts for an all round development of the child's personality and, to the best of my conjecture, our honest and sincere efforts will prove highly beneficial to the students to enable themselves to cope with the challenges of the modern age.
A number of students from this institution have so far qualified for various Entrance Tests and finally been selected for admission to different eminent educational institutions throughout the country such as R.K. Mission, Deoghar, Sainik Schools, R.I.M.C., Dehradun, Vanasthali, Rajsthan, Birla Vidya Mandir, Nainital, Sawan Public School, Delhi, Navodaya Vidyalay, Vikas Vidyalay, Ranchi etc.
LIS promotes co-education without caste and creed. It provides quality education and healthy academic environment so as to shape the destiny of the blooming kids and put them on to th eright path of their lives facing all stumbling bloks enthusiastically.
To attain the real goal of education we have been trying our best to contribute to the moral and intellectual development of the children studying in our institution through the honest and sincere instrumentality of our collaborators, dedicated faculty members, concerned parents and responsible past students. Our institution is free form of predudices and discrmination based on sex, relision caste and economic status. Finaly we would like cordially to invite our well-wishers to co-operate in maintaining the society of our institution, in whose supportive care, each and every member of the institution may find meaning and purpose in life and get perpetual inspiration to make our vision a reality.
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