Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Meditation refreshing session for teachers was conducted on 22nd September to 27th September 2023. 193 Teachers from all the wings – Primary, middle school, secondary and senior secondary participated with great enthusiasm. Our Hon’ble Chairman’s daughter Kum. Ajeya Srivatsava conducted all the sessions and made the Meditation technique more enthusiastic.
It was an eye-opening session, where the doubts and clarifications were discussed with great zeal. Added to it, the interactive session made the teachers have a sound knowledge to practice the Meditation at home too on the daily basis.
The benefits and positive merits which are inculcated through Meditation are highly appreciated and made a point that the same will be embedded in the students too.
In a nutshell, the great enlightenment on Meditation occurred for the teachers who attended the session. .
Watch their videos or go to their social media profiles all at one place!