Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Montfort Brothers
The Brothers of St. Gabriel are a part of a world-wide Montfortian family founded by ST. LOUIS MARIE DE MONTFORT in France in the early years of the 18th century. We became an autonomous society in 1842. Ever since, we have been pioneers in the field of General Education, Vocational Training and the Education of the Physically Challenged.
Today, the Brothers of St. Gabriel are rendering yeomen services in 31 countries of the world. The Brothers arrived in India in 1903 with a vision of creating a just and fraternal society. It has grown and spread to different parts of the country. Now there are seven provinces – Yercaud, Trichy, Hyderabad, Pune, Delhi, Ranchi and North-East, managing 159 institutions, addressing the educational needs and providing Vocational Training, Education of the Physically Challenged, promoting the rights and development of Tribals, Dalits and the Urban Poor
Watch their videos or go to their social media profiles all at one place!