Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
A school is not just the building of four pillars but the place given mature individuals, with the new mission and vision Navkar Public School came up in 2015 to establish the new milestone to accomplish the dreams of many individuals. The Navkar Public School sets its benchmark as one of the best schools in Ahmedabad in very short span of time by serving approx 1500 students every year and proved its identity by giving board rankers in the very first batch by digging up the strong pillars of ‘Best Education’.
We at Navkar Public School work with a vision to serve the multi-faceted needs of competitive studies, not only through literal education but with practically sound educational methods and innovative ideas imparted outside the concept of traditional textbooks to help them think out-of-the-box. We believe in the best and thus we strive continuously towards being the best school in Anmedabad.
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