Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
"Welcome To Open Minds Open Minds - A Birla School Kankarbagh, is a joint collaboration between Mr. Rajesh Singh, a British NRI, and Dr. Reinhold Michalak, an M.I.T and TU Berlin scientist from Germany along with the Birla Edutech Limited of the Yash Birla Group. Mr. Singh and Dr. Michalak are now permanent residents of Patna and their mission is to offer with this school a significant and meaningful contribution. The School IT Team is led by a young boy, Ashwin Raj Singh. Key Management Mrs. Reshma Singh has taken over as the Principal of Open Minds - A Birla School Kankarbagh, December 1, 2020. At Open Minds At Open Minds - A Birla School Kankarbagh, we aim to make our admissions process as clear and straightforward as possible."
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