Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Pragyanam is a K-12 school in Gurugram owned and managed by FP Life Education Foundation an entity registered under companies act 2013. Pragyanam has been founded by IIT-IIM alumni, same group as Footprints Childcare. In the last 9 years, Footprints has served 29000+ parents, across 80+ centers in India. 'Pragyanam' which means wisdom or understanding in Sanskrit, has been founded on the core belief that the objective of learning in the 21st century is to raise mindful, conscientious individuals who root for competence over competitiveness and aspire to live a life of happiness and fulfilment. Pragyanam has developed a “Life Skills based Curriculum” where subjects are used as a medium to develop life-skills. While the main focus is on developing these life-skills, learning will happen along the way.
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