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Algeria in 354 AD. Although his mother Monica was a devout Christian Augustine turned his back on the faith Augustine of Hippo was born in the Roman Province of Namibia, North Africa which is now know as for the thirty years of life, preferring various philosophies of the time, especially a rather strange dualistic religion called Manichaeism. It was not until his time as public orator in Milan, in 386 AD, that he first came under the spell of the golden-tongued Bishop Ambrose. After a long and agonizing struggle, he finally surrendered to the claims of Christ on a hot August afternoon while reading word of St. Paul from his Epistle to the Romans. He was baptized the following Easter. Just as he was a reluctant member of the Church, so Augustine was reluctant first to become a priest and then to be a bishop. In the later role he became an outstanding exponent of his faith, arguing its cause against secular intellectuals and various Christian heresies. His sermons were meticulously recorded in books by his followers and Augustine himself was a prolific writer,...
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