Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
Forming a society wherein human rights are respected and principles of Justice and equality are upheld, acknowledging the Fatherhood of God and Brotherhood of man. Imparting Spiritual, moral, Academic and Aesthetic values through formal and non-formal courses with emphasis on courtesy, honesty, integrity and loyalty. Contributing our share towards national integration and communal harmony, by promoting a mutual appreciation and understanding of different Social, Economic and Religious groups. Fostering the total development of the pupils, who will be intellectually well informed, emotionally balanced and spiritually oriented to assume their duties everywhere as responsible citizens of our country. The emblem of the Congregation and the motto inscribed on it Faith, toil, Progress appropriately characterize our institutes. The Sisters, faithful to their motto live by faith, constantly at work, urged on by an ardent desire for progress.
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