Profile for this school has been created by School Parents and Volunteers (School Well-wisher)
he Vel has a lot to do with one’s mind and knowledge. It is very clear that the Vel is broad, has a sharp edge and is very deep in its length. The breadth represents the broadness of the mind. The sharpness denotes the sharpness of our knowledge. It is also associated with one pointed devotion and ambition.
The depth of the Vel simply relates to depth of our thoughts and mind. The iconography of Lord Murugan’s Vel certainly can be taken as a guide by all of us.
Our educational endeavour was launched on the auspicious day of Vijayadasami in the year 2010, with a Montessori environment for children of age group 3 to 6 years. As the numbers increased and with the growing reputation, our school is now a full-fledged CBSE affiliated school.
Our initiatives are all driven by a set of values which underpin everything we do. Vel is a community in which mutual respect, mutual support and mutual success flourish.
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